Tuesday, July 24, 2012

24 July '12 front walk project

I thought perhaps if I made a little
video you could see the sparklies in the cement.  I was hoping for a sunny day.  That could be a long wait as it is HOT inland and you know that sucks the clouds over my house here.

The old Pavers that Ellen worked so hard on then Madame Ms. Mole and all of her cousins and nephews decided to dig under it...and more or less collapsed parts of it.

So then I had a long trench that I lined with small chicken wire to keep Madame mole away then way more gravel than this old man should be shovelling around...

Don't ask me WHY but I brought 10 bags of redimix from Home Depot for the job.  Turned out to be a 22 bag (60 lbs each) job, so I call this an expansion joint.

Oman's lumber yard delivers another 16 bags of redimix

FINISHED, with spraklies embedded...clue later (-;

After using most of this mixture of pretties and sparklies this is what is left over.  The walkway should truly sparkle with Ellen's saved pretties!

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